New: The “Lessons of a Startup Life” Podcast
Dear Readers,
Since September 2021, I have written 83 posts in the “Lessons of a Startup Life” blog. That’s 83 ruminations on the nuts and bolts of starting, running, funding, growing, selling, and every other aspect of what it means and takes to be part of this amazing profession.
The more I write and talk to readers and experts and all variety of folks in the startup world who “walk the walk,” the more it occurs to me there is tremendous value in hearing these people also “talk the talk.”
It’s clear to me that a podcast is the next natural step in this startup journey we’re taking together, and it’s a step I’ve wanted to take for a long time, mainly for 5 reasons:
I’m an avid podcast consumer and I like the medium, especially as an easily accessible learning and entertainment communications channel.
Podcasts are great venues for different things like 1-on-1 interviews, panel discussions, fireside chats, etc.
Blogs are full of personal insights and experiences, but podcasts add voices to the equation, which adds emotion and excitement to the stories and analyses.
As a social media vehicle, starting a podcast seems complementary to the blog. I’d like to learn more how podcasts communicate messages broadly and help grow social media communities.
It could be a lot of fun and great learning experience. I get to interview friends and colleagues, meet new people, and learn new things. All good.
For these reasons and more, now seems like a great time to enter the podcast world.
There is no lack of exciting and interesting things to cover in a podcast. Over the course of writing this blog alone I have covered many different topics in depth, and a podcast will only allow me opportunities to provide deeper and richer content.
I look forward to digging deeper into these subjects and more when the Lessons of a Startup Life team tackles podcasts, too!
As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or comments.
Now I can say: Thanks for reading and listening.