Election Results: The New Name for DougL’s Blog
On November 4th, 2022 this Blog appealed to its readers, asking them to send in suggestions for a new name. Suggestions came in. Then this week on Election Day in the U.S., this Blog launched a reader poll to help make the final selection. There were 32 votes in 72 hours. The blog election results are final:
The Startup Bible (by an Angel): 19%
Lessons from a Startup Life: 31%
Building Better Startups: 16%
The Startup Playbook: 25%
Startup360: 9%
So, the clear winner was “Lessons from a Startup Life”. Yay!
There will be no recounts and the election was legit. You should also know that based on a web search several “Startup Playbook” blogs were already well established.
Many thanks to Habib Hassim, founder and Executive Chairman of SmartOne.ai, who sent in 5 suggestions but whose “Lessons from a Startup Life” won the election. He will receive a beautiful bottle of wine from the Napa Valley in California because I know he loves wine from Bordeaux, France.
Many thanks to everyone who sent in their suggestions and voted.
Enjoy “Lessons from a Startup Life” and don’t forget to subscribe (if you don’t already) and comment on posts.